How to get a Yellow Fever vaccine in Cusco

How to get a Yellow Fever vaccine in Cusco

Many travelers in Peru continue on to Bolivia, which makes sense, since Peru shares most of its southern border with the country. However, if you are traveling to Bolivia, getting a yellow fever vaccine is highly recommended “for travellers 9 months of age and older travelling 

Getting a PCR test in Cusco

Getting a PCR test in Cusco

Although more and more countries are thankfully no longer requiring a negative PCR test for entry, there are still some in which you will need this. If you plan on traveling to Bolivia from Cusco and you’re wondering where to get a PCR test – 

How to travel from Cusco (Peru) to La Paz, (Bolivia) directly on a bus

How to travel from Cusco (Peru) to La Paz, (Bolivia) directly on a bus

Right after deciding that our next destination after Cusco would be La Paz, Bolivia, we began searching online to see what transport alternatives were available. Preliminary research gave us a couple of options, which didn’t work for us: Flight – prices on Skyscanner range between 

Mexico Overview

Mexico Overview

Due to the evolving nature of the Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are constantly updating their entry requirements. We strongly recommend checking (no – triple checking) the most recent entry requirements up to the day of your flight/journey. In Central and South America, for 

California: Los Angeles and San Franciso

California: Los Angeles and San Franciso

Important note: This entry is part of a series covering our recent USA Road Trip. It is not written as a guide, but more as journal entries, since – you will notice if you bother to read them – we barely spent a day in each 

Roadtrip USA: Albuquerque, Sedona, Grand Canyon

Roadtrip USA: Albuquerque, Sedona, Grand Canyon

Important note: This entry is part of a series covering our recent USA Road Trip. It is not written as a guide, but more as journal entries, since – you will notice if you bother to read them – we barely spent a day in each 

Serbia – Places we visited, tips for travelers (Updated)

Serbia – Places we visited, tips for travelers (Updated)

This post was originally published on 1st December, 2021, but updated in March, 2022. Due to the evolving nature of the Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are constantly updating their entry requirements. We strongly recommend checking (no – triple checking) the most recent entry 

Montenegro – Important things to know before you go (Updated)

Montenegro – Important things to know before you go (Updated)

This post was originally published on 22nd November, 2021, but updated in March, 2022. Due to the evolving nature of the Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are constantly updating their entry requirements. We strongly recommend checking (no – triple checking) the most recent entry 

Texas – Houston, Austin, Lubbock

Texas – Houston, Austin, Lubbock

Important note: This entry is part of a series covering our recent USA Road Trip. It is not written as a guide, but more as journal entries, since – you will notice if you bother to read them – we barely spent a day in 

New Orleans in 48 hours – places to go, where to eat

New Orleans in 48 hours – places to go, where to eat

New Orleans has always held an air of mystique and charm for us. It is a city with a well-known reputation – that of great food, jazz music, the still ongoing practice of voodoo, and of course, we can’t talk about New Orleans without mentioning