Month: March 2022

Serbia – Places we visited, tips for travelers (Updated)

Serbia – Places we visited, tips for travelers (Updated)

This post was originally published on 1st December, 2021, but updated in March, 2022. Due to the evolving nature of the Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are constantly updating their entry requirements. We strongly recommend checking (no – triple checking) the most recent entry 

Montenegro – Important things to know before you go (Updated)

Montenegro – Important things to know before you go (Updated)

This post was originally published on 22nd November, 2021, but updated in March, 2022. Due to the evolving nature of the Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are constantly updating their entry requirements. We strongly recommend checking (no – triple checking) the most recent entry 

Texas – Houston, Austin, Lubbock

Texas – Houston, Austin, Lubbock

Important note: This entry is part of a series covering our recent USA Road Trip. It is not written as a guide, but more as journal entries, since – you will notice if you bother to read them – we barely spent a day in